I'm a Fullstack Software Developer with 2 years of professional experience.

Use the contact form below to get in touch. If you prefer another communication method, my LinkedIn is linked below.

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marvin obig


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100 Days of Code Challenge: Days 1 - 6

Sunday 29th September, 2024

Why I'm doing the 100 days of code challenge and my progress on it so far

The Importance of Health And Fitness

Friday 18th August, 2023

I go over why health & fitness is and should be important to software developers.

Online Courses That Propelled my Self Taught Journey

Friday 28th July, 2023

I go over two online courses that propelled me through my self taught web-dev/programming journey.

Programming in The C Language

Friday 21st July, 2023

My experience so far spending the entire week programming in C.

Visual Programming With Scratch

Friday 14th July, 2023

Why learning to program with scratch as a complete beginner in programming can help you when you decide to pick up a text based programming language.